The Czech Slovak American Club of Tucson has become an informal organization. There has been a combination of weakening interest by members and potential members, a lack of people willing to step forward to serve in a leadership role, as well as poor attendance at the monthly Club Dinners/Meetings. We will keep the Club alive, that is, maintain our organizational status as a non-profit Arizona Corporation and attempt to maintain some level of communication with Tucson area people of Czech and Slovak ancestry and those with interests in these cultures. We will have occasional get-togethers.
We will also maintain a list of those in our community that have Czech- Slovak interest and regularly communicate happenings of particular interest to the greater Czech-Slovak American community in the Tucson area, using email. The Club website would be maintained and serve as a source of information about all things Czech-Slovak related of significance to our Tucson community. We would no longer have membership dues, but rely on voluntary contributions and fund raisers to meet the cost of any future activities. This approach will still require some individuals to be personally involved in the planning and carrying out of any future Club activities. This site will present information as it is decided.
John Prokop. President
Dobrý den!
The Czech Slovak American Club of Tucson began to meet for
the first time in 1954 and was incorporated as a non profit
organization in 1955. The Club welcomes persons of Czech,
Moravian or Slovakian descent, their friends, families, as well
as others who enjoy the social, cultural and educational activities
of the organization. The Club is based in Tucson, Arizona,
however, participants are welcome from all communities.
Mailing Address for Club:
CSA Club of Tucson
4645 E. Cerro de Aguila
Tucson, AZ 85718
Dobrý den!
Česko-slovensko-americký klub v Tucsonu se poprvé sešel v roce 1954 a od roku 1955 funguje jako nezisková organizace. Rád uvítá osoby českého, moravského či slovenského původu, jejich přátele, rodiny i ostatní, kteří by se rádi účastnili sociálních, kulturních a vzdělávacích aktivit organizace. Klub sídli v Arizonském Tucsonu, vítání jsou však účastníci odkudkoli.

Dobrý den!
Česko-slovensko-americký klub v Tucsonu se poprvé sešel v roce 1954 a od roku 1955 funguje jako nezisková organizace. Rád uvítá osoby českého, moravského či slovenského původu, jejich přátele, rodiny i ostatní, kteří by se rádi účastnili sociálních, kulturních a vzdělávacích aktivit organizace. Klub sídli v Arizonském Tucsonu, vítání jsou však účastníci odkudkoli
Our Club is sponsoring a Concert of Music by Czech Composers, to be performed by the Tucson Concert Band, including works by Dvorak, Smetana and Fucik. Date is Sunday, March 20, 2022. Location is Crowder Hall at the University of Arizona School of Music. Time is 7:30 PM. Be sure to follow the Club's Facebook page for more information. See Page